Welcome to Greenhead Family Doctors
We are dedicated to ensuring that our patients have access to the right healthcare professional, our trained care navigators are here to support and guide patients to the best clinician or service to help them.
We support the NHS to promote access to general practice that both reflects the fast-paced modern world as well as being flexible to support the individual needs of patients.
Pharmacy First

Going to your local pharmacy offers an easy and convenient way to get clinical advice on minor health concerns, and now community pharmacies can offer treatment for seven common conditions without patients needing to see a GP, as part of a major transformation in the way the NHS delivers care.
Online Services
Online services allow you to:
- book, check or cancel appointments with a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional
- order repeat prescriptions
- see parts of your health record, including information about medicines, vaccinations and test results
- see communications between your GP surgery and other services, such as hospitals